Netflix arrives with a new stormy documentary series, ‘Earthstorm’. The series follows a destructive force of nature and its consequences on human life. The storm moves through the timeline of thunderstorms, tornadoes, and earthquakes experienced in different parts of the world. The film Earthstorm reasons the occurrence of such forceful powers of nature for their impact on human lives. The new series is a pool of footage of hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, thunderstorms, tornadoes, and earthquakes. There are also survivors and storm chasers.
As storm chasers and survivors explaining hurricanes and tornadoes are also seen room their own eyes. The series targets giving different perspectives for such mishaps and bringing out the dark truths of Mother Earth’s powerful strengths. The series will follow different tales with several instances experienced by several people across the world.
The storm is surely one of the disastrous elements of nature. The new trailer begins with a statement as one person said ‘i would’ve lived through something like that. It’s true we all are very small infront of those natural forces. The things that definitely drag you to even it though the dangerous. We will say just imagine the air that is really necessary for all the creatures that air become horrific while this natural element converts into a storm. Time is not on the side of the residents, and there is a storm chaser who works as a storm journalist.
Science and history prove while that natural disaster hits the earth they have changed the entire map of the Earth. In the trailer, we see many people become trapped and seek help from the outside. The rescue team is praying to Gods for the five minutes to save the people who have stacked in danger.
Earthstorm: Release Date
The first episode of the show will hit on the 27th of October on Netflix.
Here is the trailer:
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