FIFA 21 is another most anticipated games in the football community and there are a lot of things to be excited about including the FUT mode and Career mode. But wait where did Pro Clubs go? There’s no trailer about it but there are pitch notes regarding that.
So, are there any sort of improvements? EA Sports has made AI Player customisation and Tactics. Yes, simply two improvements that are not significant enough for fans to get excited.
For EA Sports, Pro Clubs hasn’t been compelling enough as a business model but do keep in mind that there’s a huge community who love this mode and have gone furious seeing their favourite mode neglected:
On today's Pitch Notes we talk about #FIFA21 Pro Clubs:
— FIFA Direct Communication (@EAFIFADirect) August 11, 2020
Deep dive? Let me know when you find it. It's a disgrace that ea have done pro clubs players so dirty. Oh wow, more customisation. Nice. Personal ai? But no way that's a years worth of development from a multi-billion dollar company. #fixproclubs
— SnG Joyzz (@joygamerguy) August 13, 2020
I'ts not a deep dive, its a joke
Please actually try to make meaningful changes to Pro Clubs. I can't believe we still don't have a way to rate other players so we can pair like minded teammates instead of being stuck playing with toxic people who don't play their positions. That's even just an absolute minimum
— SeveronJ (@SeveronJ) August 13, 2020
I don't know what to say other than whoever is in charge of Pro Clubs has a very easy job. My dog puts more effort into taking a shit than the Pro Clubs Team put into Pro Clubs. It's like an army going to war to blow themselves up and not fight. EA neglecting Pro Clubs again. 😡
— The_P1RA (@MccruddenAodhan) August 13, 2020
Things they could have added to FIFA 21 Pro Clubs :
— High Rated Gabru (@MoSherGillJr) August 12, 2020
Weekend League
Battle Pass
New Cup competitions
More Pro Customisation
Better Leaderboards
More in depth stats
Training pitch
Pre game loading arenas
Stadium builder
New traits
What are your thoughts about the Pro Clubs in FIFA 21? Lets us know in the comments.
Do check out: