Amazon Prime Video has dropped the trailer of Ajay Devgn’s most awaited film ‘Drishyam 2‘. This time the story of the film follows the sequel of the actor’s 2015 hir and especially an upcoming make of Mohanlal’s Malayalam release from the last year. The new teaser also recaps the incidents of the first film and also has given a long but shocking look at what is in store for the viewers in the second part.
The new recall teaser starts with a recap of what all of such transpired in Drishyam. The new story has followed Vijay Saygaonkar and also his family who just caught up in the killing of a boy who was blackmailing his daughter. The new tale showed how Vijay, his wife, and the two kids set to hide the action at the time of chasing such ruthless IG Meera Deshmukh who is the mother of the killed bot.
Now, the voice-over of Tabu belongs to the film that says, “When there are no evidence and leads, confession is the only thing that can solve a crime.” at the ending there are the lies on an older getter Vijay sitting in a police station, being recorded. The aggrieved Vijay then tells in Hindi, “My name is Vijay Salgaonkar and this is my confession.”
Drishyam 2: Cast
Ajay Devgn’s upcoming adaptation has been directed by Abhishek Pathak unveils an entire principal cast of the first part that’s reprising the role with the addition of Akshaye Khanna. The movie has been produced by Bhushan Kumar, Kumar Mangat Pathak, Abhishek Pathak, and Krishan Kumar.
Drishyam 2: Release Date
The film was released in the theater on 18th November 2022. The film is now available on the Amazon Prime Video store.
Here is the trailer:
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