The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) has announced the launch of three major schemes aimed at expanding India’s telecom infrastructure and making services more accessible to citizens. These are the Sanchar Saathi Mobile App, National Broadband Mission (NBM) 2.0, and Intra-Circle Roaming at DBN-funded 4G mobile sites, launched by Union Minister of Communications, Shri Jyotiraditya M. Scindia.
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DoT Unveils Sanchar Saathi App, NBM 2.0, and New Connectivity Initiatives
The Sanchar Saathi Mobile App is aimed to improve telecom security and give citizens better control over their telecom assets. The app is available on Android and iOS and lets users report suspected fraud communications, track mobile connections registered in their name, block lost or stolen handheld devices, and verify that the mobile handsets are authentic. This is because there are at least 90 crore smartphone users in India and a need is felt for an app that provides certain telecom services while keeping security in mind.
NBM 2.0 is an evolution of the earlier NBM 1.0 mission which has triggered broadband connectivity to most of the population. The extension of this mission aims to connect 1.7 lakh villages and all (or 60% of total) rural households by 2030 with a minimum bandwidth of about 100 Mbps. The mission will extend optical fiber connectivity to 2.7 lakh villages, improve fixed broadband speeds, and promote rural internet usage. Apart from this, NBM 2.0, with its cost-effective and efficient infrastructure will support the 5G rollout and also help lay the foundation for 6G networks.
Intra-circle roaming has been introduced at DBN-funded 4G mobile sites, which previously served only the subscribers of the telecom service provider that installed the tower. This change allows multiple telecom providers to share the infrastructure, providing seamless 4G access to 35,400 rural and remote villages, increasing connectivity options, and reducing costs for operators and the government. These initiatives align with India’s goal of becoming a digitally inclusive nation and improving connectivity in underserved areas.
What is the Sanchar Saathi Mobile App?
The Sanchar Saathi App helps users manage telecom resources, report fraud, block stolen devices, and verify mobile handset authenticity.
What is NBM 2.0?
NBM 2.0 aims to provide broadband connectivity to rural areas, improving speeds and reaching 95% of anchor institutions by 2030.