Don 3, Shah Rukh Khan Drops Out of Project. For all the eagerly awaiting fans of Don 3, the highly anticipated film directed by Farhan Akhtar and produced by Ritesh Sidhwani, we bring you both good and bad news. According to reports, the makers have decided to reboot the franchise, which means a fresh start with an entirely new lead. We have gathered some crucial updates on Don 3, and to catch all the thrilling details, keep scrolling!
The franchise kickstarted with its first film, drawing inspiration from Amitabh Bachchan’s iconic Don, but with its own surprising twist at the end. After a gap of over a decade, fans were thrilled to learn that Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani are now set to unleash the much-anticipated third installment. However, with rumors circulating about Shah Rukh Khan potentially not leading the film, the burning question arises: Will Don 3 retain the essence of its predecessors? Join us as we delve into the thought process behind this pivotal decision!
Don 3: Shah Rukh Khan Drops Out of Project and reboots with a new lead
A source has told Pinkvilla that Shah Rukh Khan has decided to exit the Don franchise and will not be reprising his role in Don 3. The source revealed, “Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani have had multiple detailed discussions with Shah Rukh Khan on Don 3. Before the pandemic, a couple of ideas were also discussed, which took the shape of a script through the pandemic. Meetings have happened recently too, but Shah Rukh is not too keen to get back as Don again at this point in time. He is willing to do commercial films that cater to a universal section of the audience, and Don certainly doesn’t fit the bracket of cinema that he is willing to do for the coming few years. He has conveyed his decision to the stakeholders at Excel.”
According to a reliable source, Farhan Akhtar and his team were considering a groundbreaking concept for Don’s next chapter. Their vision involved bringing together three generations of Don: the legendary Amitabh Bachchan, the charismatic Shah Rukh Khan, and a promising newcomer who would carry the torch forward. However, SRK, with reservations about this idea, made the difficult decision to step away. The source revealed, “SRK believed that expanding the Don universe in this manner might be perceived as gimmicky, and thus he advised the team of his departure.”
When it comes to finding a worthy successor to Shah Rukh Khan, the insider disclosed, “Discussions are currently underway with a hero who has collaborated with Excel on two films in the past decade. He is enthusiastic about stepping into the shoes of Don, yet he also acknowledges the immense legacy of the franchise and the iconic actors who portrayed Don before him. Rebooting Don will only come to fruition once one of the younger actors bravely takes up this formidable challenge.”
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