One of India’s biggest streaming OTT platform Disney+ Hotstar, formerly known as only Hotstar has finally pushed an update that lets users stream 4K content on your Android TV. In India, there’s a rise in demand for Smart Android TVs as people now have more access to the internet and have understood the benefit of these OTT platforms.
So, day by day, people are shifting over to these applications and with that people are also looking for 4K Android TVs to enrich their media experience. Until now, only Netflix and Amazon Prime Video provided 4K TV content if you had a 4K Android TV but now Disney+ Hotstar has also joined the league.
Now you can experience the content in 4K Ultra High Definition (UHD) streaming with High Dynamic Range (HDR) support. However, as for now, there are a limited number of titles on Disney+ Hotstar offer the 4K video quality. Also, they are expected to add more 4K content in the coming days.
While Disney+ Hotstar has not yet confirmed the availability of 4K content across all of its subscription plans, and whether or not both Disney+ Hotstar VIP and Disney+ Hotstar Premium subscribers will be able to access all of its 4K content.
However, if you do want to test out, head over to the Play Store to update your app and see if you are getting 4K support or not. Obviously, to stream at 4K you require a good internet speed of about 20-30 Mbps at least. If your TV also supports HDR, then you can experience your 4K with even more accurately than ever before.
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