On May 26, Mouni Roy and her spouse Suraj Nambiar opened Badmaash in Mumbai’s Andheri neighbourhood. Just a few days after the restaurant’s launch, the couple threw a celebration to mark the happy event. Several well-known B-town stars, including Disha Patani, Tejaswi Prakash and her spouse Karan Kundra, Ankita Lokhande, and Mandira Bedi, were present at the grand launch event. Let’s take a tour of Mouni Roy’s Badmaash restaurant, which features superb and “progressive” Indian cuisine as well as a Bollywood-inspired ambience.
You can find all the information you need about the upscale Mumbai restaurant on Badmaash’s official Instagram account. According to its publicity, it offers “an authentic Bollywood vibe, Indian cuisine, and a side of masaledar concoctions.”
The interior design of Badmaash is heavily influenced by the untamed tropical jungles. As soon as you go inside, tigers are depicted in numerous posters, paintings, and statues. Greenery abounds, with numerous potted plants adorning the ground, walls, and even the ceilings.