Dell has announced the release of its transparent mechanical gaming keyboard, which features a fully transparent body, RGB lighting, and an Jiadalng customised switch body. The new Dell transparent gaming keyboard with an 82-key layout was unveiled in China. The keyboard’s customised axis body is based on Jiadalong wallaby and raccoon.
The new Dell transparent mechanical gaming keyboard is made of high-transparency PC materials and features a fully transparent crystal keycap. It has RGB single-key backlighting and over 16.8 million colour lights.
The Dell transparent mechanical gaming keyboard supports wired, Bluetooth, and 2.4G three-mode connections for connectivity. It works with both Windows and Mac computers and provides an immersive gaming experience. The gaming keyboard has a 3,000mAh battery with no stated duration or charging cycle.
The Dell transparent mechanical gaming keyboard features a touch sensor and hot swap functionality.
During the launch period, the keyboard is priced at 599 yuan ($88). After the launch period, the product will revert to its original price of 999 yuan ($147). At this time, there are no indications of the gaming keyboard’s global availability. The product is available for purchase directly from Jingdong.
Dell anticipates that the new transparent mechanical gaming keyboard will do well in the Chinese market. Its impressive lighting scheme and functionality may pique the interest of gamers. There is no word on how long the launch price will be available.
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