Google has launched the December Pixel Feature Drop, along with an update to Android 15, which comes with various new features, such as the ability to add Expressive Captions, Gemini Live integration, passkey support in Google Password Manager and more. Features exclusive to Pixel are also included, like the option to answer phone calls using Gemini Nano, a new Pixel Screenshots app and assorted system enhancements.
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December Android Update Brings Gemini AI Enhancements, Expressive Captions, and Pixel-Specific Features
Android 15 offers better integration of Gemini AI in Google System apps and the Android interface. One of the most notable new tools is Gemini Live, which now returns real-time responses based on whatever the content of your screen, in 10 natural-sounding voices. Their Gemini Google model also adds support for image generation with Imagen 3 and large language models.
Quick Share also has QR-based pairing now, so devices can connect more quickly, and Gemini can suggest new places to check out straight from the Maps app. Expressive Captions — captions on sounds will begin now describing how intense and what type of each sound is similar to how movie subtitles work, now in G Photos and other apps. AI video presets in Google Photos enhance your video’s color profile and apply filters and adjustments.
To improve accessibility, Lookout’s Image Q&A now employs Gemini 1.5 Pro to generate more detailed descriptive captions that can assist home workers with low vision or blindness. Health Connect now syncs fitness data between devices, and supports any third-party cloud services for cloud sync. Moreover, passkeys are now supported in Google Password Manager so that sign-ins can be faster and more secure.
The December 2024 Pixel Feature Drop also adds new Gemini features for Pixel devices. The Gemini Nano can also take phone calls, assessing the context of the conversation for a response in a natural voice, and also providing a transcription in chat format. With the new feature, app users can pull in pictures directly from the cloud like images saved from Snapchat. Emoji Mashups are now in Gboard allowing users to combine emojis to create new ones capable of being shared in messaging apps.
The Pixel Screenshots app now allows users to save screenshots taken during Circle to Search and categorize them with AI for easier retrieval. Gemini Save Info can remember specific instructions for future conversations, and the Spotify Extension for Gemini enables users to play songs directly from Spotify.
What is Gemini Live in the December update?
Gemini Live provides real-time, context-aware responses in 10 natural-sounding voices across the Android system.
Can I use passkeys in Google Password Manager?
Yes, the update adds support for storing passkeys in the Google Password Manager for faster and more secure logins.