The entry of Reliance Jio in the Indian telecom market brings a huge change. Its most affordable data offerings along with the unlimited calling facility forced other operators to reduce their charges so that a competitive market can be maintained. The ultimate result is currently in front of you. In India, the charges for 1GB data is the lowest in the world.
A UK-based firm recently analyzes around 5,554 data plans across 228 countries, in between 3rd February to 25th February, to get the average cost of 1GB data. The firm concluded in the end, India is the one at the top where the data plans are the cheapest among 228 countries around the globe.
The analysis says the average cost of 1GB data in India is $0.09. As per TOI’s report, this rate is nearly 65% less than the $0.3/GB in 2018.
Dan Howdle, the consumer telecom analyst of said to TOI, “As a country whose young population has a particularly high technological awareness, India offers a vibrant smartphone market, with strong adoption and many competitors. Data, therefore, is quite staggeringly cheap,“
As per the analysis of, the most expensive countries for a GB of data are São Tomé and Príncipe, Bermuda, Nauru, Falkland Islands, and Saint Helena. The costs relay are between $28.26 to $52.50 for each GB data. One of the main reasons behind it is all these are island nations. Countries with the cheapest data cost offerings are India, Israel, Kyrgyzstan, Italy, and Ukraine.
Its very good that the data plans are the cheapest here, but the internet speed also matters. As per Speedtest Global Index, India ranked 127th with the average 12.08Mbps speed in mobile data. Whereas, our nation holds 75th position with average 40.45bps in the case of broadband (July 2020).
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