In the Dark Pictures Collection, the release date for the following installment in the horror series has been revealed by the developer Supermassive Games. The Devil in Me will be available for Xbox, PlayStation, and PC on November 18.
The Dark Pictures: The Devil in Me
The Devil in Me will be the fourth book in the catalog, after Man of Medan, Little Hope, and House of Ashes. It appears to be venturing into a brand-new genre of horror that borrows heavily from the Saw movies and is full of evil traps and devices.
The plot centers on a group of filmmakers who accept an invitation to stay at an enigmatic hotel that was built to seem like H. H. Holmes’ Murder Castle. After arriving, the party quickly discovers itself trapped and is forced to work out cunning puzzles to survive.
The Devil in Me will feature new movement mechanics including vaulting obstacles and accessible character inventories, as revealed in the game’s most recent teaser, which debuted at Gamescom 2022’s Future Games Show. There are also hints for many puzzles, as well as sinister decisions like having to choose between two individuals’ lives or deaths.
Elements in the Game
There haven’t been any indications of supernatural components in The Devil in Me yet, unlike earlier books in the series. The only antagonist visible is an unidentified character carrying a cane and sporting a bowler hat.
He is referred to as an awful monster who is determined to become the deadliest serial killer in American history.
The game’s tale will last for at least seven hours, according to the teaser, though it’s not clear if this includes replaying levels to find various results. Online multiplayer and a local five-player pass-the-pad mode are both supported by The Devil In Me.
Although the games have thus far had no direct connections to one another other than the appearances of the enigmatic Curator, Supermassive Games also designates this title as the conclusion of the first season of Dark Pictures games. On November 18, Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in Me will be made available on the PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox One.