Redmi had launched the Redmi Note 9 Pro series last week in India and the first sale of both Redmi Note 9 Pro was held on 17th March and for the Redmi Note 9 Pro Max it was scheduled on 25th March. But due to the intensive lockdown situation in most of the Indian states, the company has decided to postpone the sale until further notice. The lockdown in different states of India is done due to the recent Coronavirus outbreak in India.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update in India
- Confirmed cases: 523
- Active cases: 477
- Recovered cases: 37
- Total deaths: 9
Specifications of Redmi Note 9 Pro Max:
- 6.67-inch FHD+ punch-hole display
- Triple Corning Gorilla Glass 5 protection
- 64MP + 8MP + 5MP + 2MP rear quad-camera setup
- 32MP selfie camera
- Qualcomm Snapdragon 720G
- 6/8 GB RAM options
- 64/128 GB internal storage options
- 5020mAh battery
- 18W fast charging
Pricing Details of Redmi Note 9 series:
The Redmi Note 9 Pro Max is available in three configurations with the first one being available with 6GB of RAM and 64GB of storage priced at only Rs.14,999, while the upper-end one being made available with 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage at Rs.18,999. There’s also a mid variant with 6GB RAM and 64GB storage at Rs.16,999. The three variants can be bought in three new colours — Aurora Blue, Glacial White, and Interstellar Black Redmi Note 9 Pro Max.