Companion, produced by Zach Cregger — the breakout star of Barbarian — and directed by first-time feature director Drew Hancock, initially presents the film as a conventional millennial love story. The trailer is soundtracked by The Flamingos’ timeless “I Only Have Eyes For You,” opens with enticing text: “From the studio that brought you The Notebook.” But then it turns that whole gentle reminder on its head.
The Soon To Be Out Companion
Sophie Thatcher of Yellowjackets fame plays the young woman who may or may not be being romanced at gunpoint by mysterious Jack Quaid in this intriguing story. It’s very tense and engaging work; Thatcher is tied to a chair at one point with her watching dinner partner, Quaid in a full-grown romantic rip-off. Then things become intense she’s running through a forest and being dragged off by her ankle.
But then this surprises you with the neck-stabbing attacker. In another unnerving moment at a dinner sequence, she puts out her hand above a burning candle, proceeding to like set her sweater on fire which sums up her inner chaos and desperation. The voiceover hints at an intense connection as Thatcher states, “The moment we locked eyes, there was just a … spark,” just as her sweater ignites in flames, intensifying the film’s dark atmosphere.
Cregger actually began writing Companion as a follow-up to Barbarian with the intention of directing, but the film wound up being Hancock’s directorial debut, based on his original script. The BoulderLight Pictures film is produced under its first-look deal with New Line Cinema.
New Line in particular had been especially proactive as of late about adding to its tabs on movies from Cregger, with the deal for Weapons consecrated after a competitive bidding process, a further sign of the promise he is showing around town. Producers are BoulderLight’s Raphael Margules and J.D. Lifshitz, Vertigo’s Roy Lee, and Cregger; executive producers are Tracy Rosenblum and Andrew Childs.
What is the genre of Companion?
Companion is a thriller that subverts the traditional love story genre.
Who are the main stars in Companion?
The film stars Sophie Thatcher and Jack Quaid in lead roles.