The trailer of the upcoming film of actor Prithviraj Sukumaran has been released. The name of the film is Cold Case. The actor has released the trailer on Twitter. It is a horror crime thriller featured by Prithviraj Sukumaran. After releasing the trailer on social media sites, he also has tagged all the co-stars in the film. He wrote on the tagline that there is a lot more on the case beyond the evidence and facts.
In the trailer, it has seen that the film is based on a police officer who is trying to solve the mysterious case contained with several mysterious stories of dead spirits. Prithviraj is appearing as an ACP named Satyajith. He is a person who only believes in logic and nothing else. The trailer starts with a narration that is saying in this universe, illogical thoughts are more in number, there are many undiscovered secrets as huge as the sea, and also have some unanswered questions.
After this, it has introduced Satyajith with a voice-over that asks about his character. Now we will see that the trailer will bring you around from there to disclose some hints which are left by the killer. In this, we will see many mysterious things happening, and at last, the trailer will end on a high note with dialogue that she would come to you again, Medha.
The way the trailer has cut in it indicates that another thriller film is on the way from Bollywood.
Adithi Balan has performed a promising role throughout the trailer. It is her first film in Malayalam. This film is directed by Tanu Balak, and the movie is produced by Anto Joseph Films and Plan J Studios.
Release Date
It is expected that this film will release in the theatre as there are still some doubts about the opening of the theatres, so Anto said that he is planning to release both the films on OTT platforms. Cold Case has set to premiere on 30th June 2021.
Here is the trailer: