Odisha Chief Minister Mohan Majhi, alongside Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan, has launched the ‘CM KISAN Yojana’ during the Nuakhai festival in Sambalpur. This initiative marks a significant step in supporting small and marginal farmers across the state, aiming to uplift their financial status and ensure agricultural development.
Purpose of the CM KISAN Yojana
The CM-KISAN Yojana is designed to provide much-needed financial assistance to 46 lakh small and marginal farmers in Odisha who are not covered under the central government’s Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) scheme. The program focuses on improving the financial conditions of these farmers, thereby fostering agricultural growth and sustainability.
Financial Assistance
Under this scheme, a total of ₹925 crores will be provided as financial aid. Eligible farmers will receive ₹4,000 distributed in two phases: the first installment of ₹2,000 coincides with the Nuakhai festival, and the second installment of ₹2,000 will be given during Akshaya Tritiya. This direct benefit transfer (DBT) aims to strengthen the financial foundation of the beneficiaries, enabling them to invest in and enhance their agricultural practices.
CM KISAN Portal – Beneficiaries of the Scheme
Here’s the link to the CM KISAN Portal: https://cmkisan.odisha.gov.in/
The CM-KISAN Yojana primarily targets landless farmers who were previously excluded from the PM Kisan Yojana. By focusing on this segment, the state government intends to extend its support to a wider farming community, ensuring that more farmers benefit from government assistance.
How do I check the payment status on the CM Kisan Yojana Portal?
To check the payment status:
- Log in to the CM Kisan Yojana Portal using your credentials.
- Click on “Payment Status” or “Beneficiary Status.”
- Enter your Aadhaar or bank account number.
- The portal will display your payment details, including whether the payment has been credited or is still pending.
Cultural Significance of the Launch
The launch of the CM-KISAN Yojana during the Nuakhai festival highlights its cultural and social importance. Nuakhai is a significant agrarian festival celebrated in western Odisha, symbolizing the offering of new grains to the deities and marking the harvest season.
This three-day celebration involves various districts such as Sambalpur, Sundargarh, and Balangir, among others, where the community comes together to partake in rituals, dances, and festivities.
The timing of the scheme’s introduction on this auspicious occasion underscores the state’s commitment to integrating cultural heritage with developmental initiatives, reinforcing the bond between tradition and progress.
The CM-KISAN Yojana is a pivotal move by the Odisha government to enhance the livelihoods of small and marginal farmers, reflecting a broader vision of agricultural prosperity and community well-being.
By aligning the scheme’s launch with the Nuakhai festival, the government not only supports farmers financially but also celebrates the cultural roots that bind the community together. As this initiative unfolds, it promises to bring renewed hope and stability to Odisha’s agricultural landscape.
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What is CM Kisan Yojana?
The CM Kisan Yojana is a state-level scheme aimed at providing financial assistance to farmers. It focuses on increasing their income and supporting agricultural productivity by offering direct benefit transfers, subsidies, and other benefits.
Who has launched the CM KISAN Yojana?
Odisha Chief Minister Mohan Majhi, alongside Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan, has launched the ‘CM KISAN Yojana’ during the Nuakhai festival in Sambalpur.
How can I register on the CM Kisan Yojana Portal 2024?
To register on the CM Kisan Yojana Portal, follow these steps:
Visit the official CM Kisan Yojana portal.
Click on the “New Registration” or “Register Now” button.
Fill in the required details such as your Aadhaar number, land details, and bank account information.
Submit the form and verify your details via OTP (One-Time Password).
After verification, your registration will be completed.
Who is eligible for the CM Kisan Yojana?
Farmers who meet the following criteria are eligible:
Must be a resident of the state implementing the scheme.
Should be a small or marginal farmer.
Must possess valid land ownership documents.
Should have a valid Aadhaar-linked bank account.
Certain large-scale landowners, institutional farmers, and government employees are generally excluded from this scheme.
What are the benefits of CM Kisan Yojana?
The CM Kisan Yojana offers several benefits:
Direct financial aid to eligible farmers.
Subsidies on seeds, fertilizers, and farm equipment.
Insurance coverage for crops.
Access to better agricultural resources and government schemes.
Timely disbursal of payments directly to farmers’ bank accounts.