With its AR Headset, Apple is preparing to enter the realm of augmented and virtual reality. Initially, the headset was expected to be released later this year, but recent reports imply that the company may postpone its release due to hardware and software issues. According to a new claim, Apple’s AR Headset will cost upwards of $2,000 and have performance comparable to the M1 Pro chip. Scroll down to learn more about the topic.
With its AR Headset, Apple is preparing to enter the realm of augmented and virtual reality. Initially, the headset was expected to be released later this year, but recent reports imply that the company may postpone its release due to hardware and software issues. According to a new claim, Apple’s AR Headset will cost upwards of $2,000 and have performance comparable to the M1 Pro chip. Scroll down to learn more about the topic.
Apple typically charges a bit more than its competitors for products, locking in margins that have helped it become one of the most profitable consumer electronics companies ever. The new headset won’t be an exception, but the main reason why the company has discussed price points above $2,000 is because of some of its internal technologies.
Apple’s AR Headset, according to Mark Gurman, will have performance comparable to the M1 Pro processor. It’s worth noting that the M1 Pro chip is also used in Apple’s latest MacBook Pro models. According to Gurman’s source, Apple will choose the M1 Pro chip because of its performance, not because of its speed. Instead, the M1 Pro chip will be employed for its enhanced graphics capabilities, according to the expert.
I believe that the chip inside the Apple headset will be on par with the M1 Pro, making it better than the M1. The main reason for going with an M1 Pro over an M1 isn’t CPU speeds. It’s the need for more advanced graphics. As you may know, the M1 has an eight-core GPU, whereas the M1 Pro has 14 to 16 graphics cores.
Apple’s AR Headset will be used for media consumption, games, and communication, according to analysts familiar with the matter. Mark Gurman also gives a couple of suggestions for what Apple’s AR Headset might be called in the future.
Check out the names below.
- Apple Sight/iSight
- Apple Reality
- Apple Vision
While Apple Vision sounds more like Apple, the corporation has the final say, and we are only guessing at this stage. As soon as further information becomes available, we will update you on the headset.
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