Sara Ali Khan is one of the few Bollywood divas who can pull off ethnic attire. Sara has a vivid, cool and enjoyable sense of style. In the run-up to the release of her most recent movie, Zara Hatke Zara Bachke, which also stars Vicky Kaushal, she has been throwing out a series of intriguing looks. Sara Ali Khan appeared in an eye-catching rani pink lehenga by Punit Balana for her movie promotions in Indore. The actress radiated a royal aura in traditional attire.
The Zara Hatke Zara Bachke actress is wearing a blouse, dupatta, and skirt with her Gulabi gulal lehenga set from Punit Balana. A beautiful coin and resham embroidery can be seen on the strapless silk blouse. While the blouse and skirt are both rani pink, the dupatta is a completely distinct shade. The dupatta is covered with a flowery print, and the border is embellished with coin and resham work.
Punit Balana’s lehenga is ideal for any special occasion. The attire is worth 55,000 rupees. Sara Ali Khan undoubtedly carries herself with ease! The actress went without jewellery because the dress is so stunning on its own. Her hairstyle, which had two twisted portions on either side, complemented the dress.