LG Electronics (LG) announced on Friday, the introduction of the latest version, webOS 6.0, of the company’s acclaimed TV platform for its 2021 OLED, QNED Mini LED, NanoCell, and UHD smart TVs. Paired with the new Magic Remote, the TV platform offers viewers an intuitive content discovery experience. The upgraded application, LG ThinQ AI, in webOS 6.0 supports new voice commands for both Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, making it easier for you to search across streaming services, the internet, and broadcast channels.
Users who have previously operated the webOS will immediately notice the attractive and updated home screen that has been redesigned for enhanced usability to cater to the needs of viewers’ everchanging content consumption habits. The most frequently used apps have received faster access on the updated home screen, as it now has the ability to receive recommendations based on the user’s preferences and viewing history. The new home is displayed full-screen as a central hub for the greater webOS ecosystem.
With multi-AI offerings of LG ThinQ, Amazon Alexa, or Google Assistant, LG’s new Magic Remote offers simpler controls when using voice recognition. Simple to navigate, slick, easy to hold and use, the Magic Remote offers hot-keys for accessing popular OTT platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Disney+. The Magic Tap feature is a one-touch Near Field Communication (NFC) function on the Magic Remote, which according to the CES report, “provides virtually instant access to a host of exciting viewing possibilities. By simply touching a compatible NFC-enabled smartphone to the remote, viewers can share content from their phones to the LG TVs or vice versa.”
Magic Explorer, an enhanced version of LG’s Magic Link, is pretty much LG’s equivalent to Amazon Prime’s X-Ray, it provides content-related information so viewers can learn more about the actors, locations, and other items of interest in the movies and shows they’re watching. The Next Pick feature will utilize your viewing history to recommend what to watch next, including those from live TV broadcasts.
“The latest version of our user-friendly open TV platform webOS 6.0 represents the most significant update since we first introduced webOS in 2014,” said Park Hyoung-sei, President of LG Home Entertainment Company. “With the new edition of webOS, LG is demonstrating its commitment of offering services, products and technologies that respond to the needs and wants of our valued customers.”