Recently, news broke about an upcoming reality show titled Celebrity MasterChef set to premiere soon. Over the years, MasterChef India has captured the hearts of viewers, offering incredible opportunities to aspiring chefs and garnering impressive TRP ratings. This time, the makers are adding an exciting twist by featuring celebrities as contestants. And yes, it’s official—the first promo for Celebrity MasterChef has already been released!
Celebrity MasterChef India 2024 Promo out: Tejasswi Prakash and Gaurav Khanna Stunned by Chef Ranveer Brar’s Unexpected Challenge!
The promo for Celebrity MasterChef is finally here! The show features a star-studded lineup of contestants, including Gaurav Khanna, Tejasswi Prakash, Dipika Kakar, Rajiv Adatia, Usha Nadkarni, Nikki Tamboli, Archana Gautam, Faisal Shaikh (popularly known as Mr. Faisu), and Chandan Prabhakar. Hosting duties will be handled by Farah Khan, while renowned chefs Ranveer Brar and Vikas Khanna take on the role of judges.
The promo reveals Chef Ranveer Brar presenting the contestants with an intriguing challenge. He tasks them with creating an ice cream cake that incorporates a fiery twist. He emphasizes that they must not break or melt the ice but instead utilize fire creatively. Farah Khan then announces the dish they must prepare—Fiery Baked Alaska.
A surprised Tejasswi exclaims, “Fire and ice cream together?” leaving the other contestants equally stunned. Farah Khan then warmly welcomes everyone to MasterChef.
#CelebrityMasterChefs COMING SOON@GossipsTv #TejasswiPrakash #GauravKhanna #DipikaKakar #MrFaisu
— GossipsTv(GTv) (@GossipsTv) December 21, 2024
The first promo of the show has been released, and excitement is building for this new adventure. Fans have flooded the internet with positive comments, eagerly anticipating the show’s premiere. However, the makers have yet to announce the official release date.
In addition to the promo, Tejasswi Prakash shared some behind-the-scenes moments from the set. In one video, she gives fans a glimpse of everyone sitting together and asks what’s going on. We see that Archana, Nikki, and Usha Nadkarni remain silent. Soon, Nikki realizes Tejasswi is recording and bursts into laughter. Tejasswi points out that everyone looks surprised, and Nikki explains that the reaction is due to the recently released promo, which has already raised viewers’ expectations for the show.