Google Play Redeem Codes for FREE Today, February 1 [₹10, 30, 100, & 800]
Google Play Redeem Codes as of February 1, 2025: All You Need to Know
Google Play, commonly referred to as the Play Store, is an...
Google Photos Adds Image Flipping Feature for Android Users in 2025
Google has introduced a new feature in its Google Photos app that allows users to flip images with ease. In the past, making a...
Google’s $250M Secret XR Plan Will Change How You Live in 2025
Google's Latest $250M Move Just Changed Your Digital Future Forever
Hey there, tech fam! Something massive just happened in the XR world, and I'm literally...
YouTube Premium Gets Cheaper for Google One Users: Here’s the Inside Scoop
Love binge-watching ad-free YouTube videos and exploring exclusive Premium features? Good news: Google is now offering a handy YouTube Premium discount to select Google...
Google explains why Youtube, Gmail, and other services faced an outage...
2020 had everything, including a very recent huge google outage. Many Google services like Youtube, Google Docs, Google Drive, and Gmail faced a shutdown...
Google is determined to not go down against the lawsuit filed...
On Thursday, a group of 38 US states filed a lawsuit against the search giant Google. The case claimed that google has an illegal...
Google patents a fitness tracker design that might come without a...
According to a few reports, American multinational technology company, Google, has filed for a patent for a design for a fitness tracker. This design patent...
Google discontinues the production of its Home Max
Google is a company that is never shy from innovating, and as such, the Android maker is always on the verge of making new...
Google adds more support for office documents in its service apps
Google has been seemingly working on improving the integration of office apps with its services. Now the company has made it possible to edit...
Google add more AR animals in AR search and some are...
Augmented reality is one of the concepts spoken most passionately in the tech industry. And Google is no stranger to this concept. It has...