The popular actor Arya came with the ‘Captain‘ film trailer. In the first thirty seconds, Arya suggested the upcoming film based on an Army drama. It’s not very latest that we have realized that it’s not about the neighboring country but about the new species from a planet that comes as enemies.
This Monday, the makers also dropped the trailer of Captain that features Arya does the army uniform. The video starts with some visuals of a town while there is a background voice enchanted about the four stages of a battle with the army. For identifying the enemy, finding out the weakness, deceiving the enemy, and definitely the battle. In this film, we will see Arya playing the role of Captain Vetriselvan, have introduced his life, his friends and family, and the love of his life in front of the audience.
After that, we have told that the crew of armies we set to be sent on a mission in such an abandoned forest which is a place from where return with life is very difficult. Now, the authorities also discussing the probability of an alien that seems to be creating havoc in the forest. The entire army now waiting for Captain Vertiselvan, and for going whatever it has taken to save the country.
The production company Red Giant Movies has already unveiled the poster of Captain as it has declared the launching of the film. The new tweet read, “Captain” Trailer is out now…Watch & get ready for a sci-fi thriller like never before. In cinemas on 8th September.” the film has been helmed by Shakti Sounder Rajan, Captain features Arya, Aishwarya Lekshmi, Simran, Harish Uthaman, and Suresh Chandra in the lead roles.
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