India’s state-owned Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited is preparing for the nationwide debut of its long-anticipated 4G services, which will take place in August as part of the government’s “Atmanirbhar” campaign, according to PTI sources. BSNL utilized its 4G network on premium spectrum bands of 700 megahertz and 2,100 MHz to reach peak speeds ranging from 40-45 megabits per second during the 4G trial. Debuting 4G services in Punjab is a significant step forward for BSNL.
More About BSNL Introducing 4G Services
The deployment utilized indigenous technology developed by an IT giant and a telecommunications research organization led by TCS and C-DoT. With close to 1 million subscribers already onboarded, the 4G core developed by C-DoT demonstrated robust performance, stabilizing within a shorter timeframe than anticipated.
The official did not want to be named but provided some insights into BSNL’s progress, calling the business to roll out its core network to be the first of many other enabling services. BSNL plans to introduce its entire brand of Atmanirbhar 4G technology into the country by August is an ambitious plan. The core network is a critical infrastructure component in the communications sector.
BSNL has already assigned many contracts to tech firms totaling around ₹19,000 crore serving 4G networks such as TCS, Tejas Networks, and ITI, with the capacity to upgrade all future works to the 5G nature. It is expected that BSNL will invite certain private domestic businesses to implement over 1.12 lakh towers all over India, with the majority of new contracts being assigned to them. Capacity to add new amenities.
So far, BSNL has installed more than 9,000 towers for 4G services, with the majority being functional in Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, UP West, and Haryana. As weeks go by, customers who have 4G-enabled SIM cards will be automatically transitioned, allowing them to enjoy the improved services without major changes. However, those with older SIM cards will be required to change to enjoy the full spectrum of advantages provided by the new network.
Overall, the nationwide launch of BSNL’s 4G services will become a crucial step in developing the country’s digital infrastructure and enhancing connectivity, fully supporting the government’s drive to create a self-reliant and techno-savvy nation.