Boult, the fastest-growing wearables brand in India, has unveiled the Striker Plus smartwatch, a groundbreaking fusion of style and technology. The smartwatch features a dazzling 1.39-inch round HD screen, a dedicated mic and speaker for Bluetooth calling, and a sleek Zinc Alloy frame with multi-color straps.
Boult Brings Cutting-Edge Innovation with Majestic ‘Striker Plus’, New Smartwatch Boasts a 1.39’’ Round HD Display
In addition to its stylish design, the smartwatch is packed with innovative features, including an AI voice assistant, Boult Health ecosystem, and IP67 water resistance. The AI voice assistant allows users to make calls, play music, and control other features of the smartwatch with simple voice commands.
The Boult Health ecosystem provides users with a comprehensive overview of their health data, including SpO2, heart rate, and blood pressure. And the IP67 water resistance means that the Striker Plus can withstand even the most demanding conditions.
It is also a great fitness tracker, with over 120 sports modes to choose from. Whether you’re a runner, a cyclist, or a swimmer, the Striker Plus can help you track your progress and stay motivated.
This new smartwatch is available now at and Flipkart for the irresistible launch price of Rs 1299.
Key Features of the Boult Striker Plus Smartwatch:
- 1.39-inch round HD screen
- Dedicated mic and speaker for Bluetooth calling
- AI voice assistant
- Boult Health ecosystem
- IP67 water resistance
- Over 120 sports modes
- Available in four colors: emerald, white, black, and blue
Pricing and Availability:
The Boult Striker Plus Smartwatch is available now at and Flipkart for the irresistible launch price of Rs 1299.