boAt Xtend Watch launched in India as a new addition to the boAt wearable family. The smartwatch seems like an upgrade over the boAt Storm which was launched earlier and now boAt Xtend becomes the fifth smartwatch of the brand. The company has launched the boAt Xtreme Watch at Rs.3,499, and the special launch price of the device is set at Rs.2,999. The sale will start from 1st July via Amazon and Boat Lifestyle‘s official website.
Specifications of boAt Xtend Watch:
The boAt Watch Xtend is crafted with a 1.69-inch square LCD capacitive touch display. There is a knob on the right side to provide you the full control over the watch’s functionalities. Over 50 unique watch faces are there for you. You can change it as per your mood, event, and style accordingly. On top of that, the screen brightness level adjusts automatically. No manual interaction needed. It comes with an Alexa built-in.
The new smartwatch is capable of monitoring your health in real-time. The trackable symptoms are heart rate, blood oxygen level, and sleep. You can monitor your sleep quality as well. If you are a sports enthusiast, can enjoy 14 different sports modes. There are indoor walking, outdoor walking, yoga, workout, and more.
The 300mAh battery inside allows around 4 to 5 days of heavy usage and up to 7 days of normal usage. Lastly, the boAt Xtend Watch comes with 5ATM of water resistance, smart notification alerts, music control, find my phone, DND, and weather report.
Buy from here:
- Amazon:
- Official Website:
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