It’s been a long time since India’s number one audio brand lists its third smartwatch on its own website as well as on Amazon India. Finally, the day is here. The sale of the boAt Watch Flash smartwatch will live at 12 noon sharp on both platforms with the price tag of Rs.2,499 only. The company is providing three color options to its fans – active black, electric blue, and vivid red. The buy link is given below.
The boAt Watch Flash is coming with a 1.3-inch LCD screen. It’s the first wearable by the company coming with the round dial. On top of these, you will get touch functionality and multiple watch face options. The company is also providing three different strap colors to choose from. Those are active black, electric blue, and vivid red.
The Watch Flash is a smartwatch. The features that make it smart are the sensors to track your daily activities and 10 individual sports modes, such as running, climbing, skipping, walking, badminton, swimming, basketball, football, yoga, and cycling.
The smartwatch is providing these many modes, so, it needs to survive while a user takes it while swimming or other activities. For that, there is the IP68 sweat, water, and dust resistance.
The smart features are not finished yet. There are 24/7 automatic heart rate monitoring sensor, SpO2 blood oxygen monitor, sleep monitor, sedentary & hydration alerts, and the list going on.
The battery inside will allow you to play with all the features up to 7 days long. So, manage your calls, texts, music freely, along with keeping your eyes on the weather on the go.