Audio accessories boAt has joined hands with Bira 91 to launch an exclusive BOOM audio collection in India. The collaboration between both the companies will see the new entity releasing some impressive models like the Stone SpinX 2.0 speakers, the Stone 190 speakers, and boAt Rockerz 450 headphones.
Just recently, boAt had also announced that it will be partnering with Dixon to produce India-centric wireless audio accessories specifically tailored for the Indian market.
The boAt-Bira 91 partnership is therefore another indication of the growing relevance of the brand as a premium audio accessories manufacturer in India.
The BOOM collection targets the vibrant segment of the market, consumers who are bold and expressive, using their audio wearable device as an extension of their outgoing personality.
It is a rich mix of bold colors, it catches your eye and has a design that combines Bira 91’s BOOM and boAt’s portfolio. The SpinX 2.0 offers a pairing feature for two of the speakers through a wireless connection using the True Wireless feature.
It offers up to 8 hours of playback time on a single charge, the device also comes with an IPX6 water resistance rating. It has two 40mm drivers and it is priced at 2,799 INR or $38.
The Stone 190 speaker has 42mm dynamic drivers, AUX connectivity, IPX7 water resistance rating with a price tag of 1,199 INR or $16. The Stone 190 offers up to 4 hours of playback and an ergonomic design.
The boAt Rockers 450 headphones can operate for up to 15 hours, it comes with 40mm drivers and is priced at 1,799 INR or $24.
The BOOM collection will be available in India via Bira 91’s merch store and the boAt store online from the 20th of January. There is also a custom Get Set BOOM music track made exclusively for the partnership. It is a high-octane video that is bound to catch the eye of a segment of the population.
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