Taapsee Pannu’s most awaited film ‘Blurr‘ has dropped the official trailer for the film. The new film is produced by the actor, is out, and for now, it looks quite amateurish if one is being completely honest about it. We can bet that this film is going to be one of the intriguing thriller films that are based on the death of Gautami, while her twin Gayatri has refused to believe as she died by committing suicide.
The new thriller is releasing with barely any promotion that should be an indication of what the final product might be.
When Gayatri tells Gautami was blind, her own eyesight starts to fade away and she goes to dig out the truth behind her death. The new trailer is really very exciting and gripping with a dull winter setting as Taapsee’s Gayatri goes from pillar to post to pick clues that lead to her sister’s death. She comes to know that her sister was dating a man go for an outing with him. We have also seen how Gayatri stays unaware of the major fact about her twin already known to her husband.
In one scene the doctor tells Gayatri how she can be lost her eyesight on any day and soon light becomes poison for her eyes. The actor has seen blindfolded at the end of the trailer. The movie is set in the hills where Taapsee’s character Gayatri is trying to find answers about her twin sister’s unfortunate death. Gulshan Devaiah plays Neel, Gayatri’s partner, in the movie.
Talking about Blurr, director Ajay Bahl said in a statement, “Blurr discovers angularities and depths of the human mind and the dark alleys it can traverse through. Blurr throws you into the murky waters where human needs intermingle with extreme delusional anger. The narrative and the plot of the film gave me a lot of different aspects to explore while directing. With spectacular twists and character portrayal, Blurr will satiate your craving for a mind-bending thriller. I want to thank Taapsee and ZEE studios for believing in the script and ZEE5 for platforming the film.”
Meanwhile, Taapsee Pannu stated, “Blurr taps into different sensibilities of an individual and that is purely why I decided to produce it as my first film. Donning the producer’s hat has been a spectacular experience. Apart from acting, I wanted to be creatively involved in the production, conception, and various aspects of filmmaking which are seldom glamorized. Essaying the character of a woman pushed to the brink of mental endurance due to her sister’s death was vulnerable, raw, and clawing.”
Blurr: Release Date
Taapsee Pannu’s new ZEE 5 original thriller film is set to hit on 9th December 2022.
Here is the trailer:
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