India’s leading Gadget Accessory & Consumer Electronics brand has launched its all-new Bluei CC-07 Fast & Safe Car Charger in the Indian market priced at only Rs. 1,699. Bluei car charger has good functionality, is compact, portable and boasts high quality. For people who need to charge their gadgets while they are on the road, the Bluei CC-07 24W, 4.8A rapid vehicle charger adapter is the ideal option.
With a three-in-one metal data cable, two USB ports, and this vehicle charger can charge several devices at once at extremely rapid rates and is compatible with Android, iPhone, and type-C devices. It is simple to transport anywhere you go because of its small form, whether you’re on a road trip or simply on a short journey around town.
Bluei CC-07 car charger now ends your search for the best car charger
Mr. Akhilesh Chopra, Director of Bluei, made the following statement on the launch, “We are thrilled to debut our all-new Bluei CC-07 Fast Car Charger. The desire for convenience has increased as people start to leave their houses. Additionally, a dependable power supply and a practical storage device are now necessary for an increasing number of smartphone users to utilise their devices to play games, watch movies, and surf the internet while they are on the road. With this new launch, we’re trying to better serve our clients.
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