Blaupunkt, with all its previous experience, is coming to the Indian television market today. The launch is scheduled for 12 noon via Flipkart. Though the model name, pricing, etc are not revealed yet, some key specifications are there in highlights.
For those unaware, Blaupunkt was a German company, mostly car audio equipment maker, till 2016. At present, it is managed by GIP Development SARL of Luxembourg. This company faces lots of ups and downs till now and currently trying to stand up again.
Through the listing, Blaupunkt shows it put special effort into the audio output of the TV. Alongside, the bezels are very less. So, the consumers will get a bigger screen to enjoy their favourite content. Lastly, it’s a smart TV. It allows users to connect to other smart devices available in the home. For example, security cameras, smart bulbs, smart speaker, and more.