Black+Decker has debuted its first 4K Google Smart TV in India in collaboration with Indkal Technologies. Running on Android 14, the TV combines various display technologies such as MEMC, DSC, and Dolby Vision for a better viewing experience. The Black+Decker A1 Series Google TV is already available in India, online, and from large retail outlets. It will be available in a 32-inch FHD variant starting at ₹11,999 and a 65-inch 4K version for ₹47,999.
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Black+Decker A1 Series 4K Google TV Launched in India: Price and Features Revealed
The Black+Decker A1 Series comes with a four-sided frameless design, metal finish, and unibody construction with 98.5% visible area. Its minimalist design and premium polycarbonate stand also mean it would fit right into modern living spaces. The TV features a 65-inch A+ Grade VA panel with a resolution of 3840 x 2160p ultra-high-definition. Features like HDR10, HLG, and Dolby Vision support are also included, plus 4K upscaling, dynamic signal calibration (DSC), micro dimming, 120Hz variable refresh rate (VRR), and MEMC features to further enhance picture quality.
It also includes super brightness as well as blue light reduction for additional comfort. For audio, the TV features a 36W output with high-fidelity speakers and support for Dolby Atmos support for an enhanced audio experience. It runs on Android 14, with popular apps such as Netflix, Prime Video, Disney+ Hotstar, and YouTube pre-installed. It also supports Google Voice Assistant, AI Picture Optimization, Google Cast for streaming, and Google Meet for video calls.
Performance-wise, the A1 Series is powered by the DynamIQ Dual AI Processor Architecture with two Cortex A75 cores, two Cortex A55 cores, and an IMG BXE GPU, ensuring smooth multitasking and responsive performance. Connectivity options include dual-band Wi-Fi (2.4GHz + 5GHz), Bluetooth 5.2, HDMI 2.1, USB 3.0, USB 2.0, and an AV input for external devices.
What is the price of the Black+Decker A1 Series Google TV?
The price starts at ₹11,999 for the 32-inch FHD model and goes up to ₹47,999 for the 65-inch 4K version.
What smart features does the Black+Decker A1 Series offer?
It includes Google Voice Assistant, AI Picture Optimization, and pre-installed apps like Netflix, Prime Video, and YouTube.