Black Shark 3S is launched today in China with two different storage and colour options. The phone comes in Sky Cloud Black and Crystal Blue colour options. The phone will be priced at CNY 3,999 (roughly Rs. 42,620) for the 12GB RAM and 128GB storage variant, while the 256GB variant is priced at CNY 4,299 (roughly Rs. 45,800). To be more clear the phone is launched with only one RAM variant which is 12GB, the company has not compromised in the RAM.
Specification of Black Shark 3S
Black Shark 3S features a 6.67-inch AMOLED display, with a with a FHD+ resolution and 120Hz refresh rate. There is no mention of the gorilla glass protection. It has a triple-rear camera set-up with a 64MP sensor (f/1.8 aperture) and phase detection autofocus (PDAF), a 13MP wide-angle camera with a 120-degree field of view, and a 5MP depth camera. The Black Shark is capable to recording video at up to 4K 60fps. The phone comes with a 20MP selfie camera.
Black Shark 3S features Snapdragon 865 SoC paired with 12GB RAM and up to 256GB internal storage. The phone has 5G connectivity. The Black Shark 3S comes with a 4,729mAh battery, with support for 65W fast charging. The phone has an in-display fingerprint sensor.