Bihar Staff Selection Commission 2024: All Updates on Exam and More

Bihar Staff Selection Commission

For candidates seeking government jobs in Bihar, the Bihar Staff Selection Commission (BSSC) Inter-Level Examination is a crucial competitive exam. The Bihar Staff Selection Commission, a state agency in charge of hiring personnel for different positions in the ministries and departments of the Bihar government as well as lower offices, administers the test.

The BSSC released a list of about 11098 open positions for various positions in 2023. Clerical positions, tax workers, panchayat secretaries, and comparable jobs in various state government departments are examples of these positions. The official website will host the BSSC Inter Level Admit Card 2024 at least ten days before to the preliminary written exam.

Some applicants submitted applications with mistakes or were unable to upload their papers. The Commission has granted candidates the ability to modify their applications upon request. From January 18 until March 18, 2024, such candidates may amend their applications and upload the necessary files. After the application has been edited, the exam schedule will be released.

Bihar Staff Selection Commission

Date of the 2024 Bihar Staff Selection Commission Inter-Level Exam

Examination BoardBihar Staff Selection Commission
Exam NameInter-Level Examination
Names of the PostClerical, Revenue Worker, Panchayat Secretary, etc.
Vacancies11098 Posts
Inter-Level Exam DateTo be announced
BSSC Admit cardTo be released
Exam ModePreliminary (Computer-Based Test)

The BSSC Inter-Level Examination selection process is a multi-phase process designed to assess candidates’ fitness for different departmental positions. Preliminary Exam: This stage of the screening process is typically the first one. The test is computer-based (CBT).

It’s crucial to remember that this round is typically qualifying, which means that the marks earned here are used to qualify candidates for the following round rather than being tallied towards the ultimate selection.

Main Exam

Selected students are invited to the Main Exam following their performance in the preliminary exam. This phase consists of a written test. In contrast to the Preliminary phase, the Mains Examination marks are crucial since they have a substantial impact on the final merit list.


Those who pass the main exam are invited to the interview phase. The candidate’s personality, communication abilities, general awareness, and suitability for a career in public service are evaluated during the interview.

Final Selection:

The final merit list is derived from the interview performance and the Mains Examination results. Selected applicants are required to go through a procedure of document verification in which they have to provide original documentation proving their age, reservation status, and educational background, among other details.

Pattern and Schedule of the Bihar Inter-Level Exams

• A computer-based test is used to administer the preliminary examination (CBT).
• There are one hundred questions on the test.
• There are 400 total exam marks because each question is worth four marks.
• Candidates have two hours and 120 minutes to finish the exam.
• The marking system is negative; one mark will be deducted for each incorrect response.
Topic Questions and Marks
50-200 General Studies
Test of Mental Capacity 50–200
Mathematical and General Science 50–200
In total, 150–600

Details of the Bihar Inter-Level Exam Admit Card

To the testing location, candidates need to bring their admission card. Exam hall admission is typically prohibited without it. Candidates must make sure they thoroughly review all of the information on their BSSC Inter Level Admit Card.

Any inaccuracy in the candidate’s name, registration number, birthdate, exam center address, or any other detail must be corrected right away by getting in touch with the BSSC officials. At the testing facility, it is utilized to confirm the candidate’s identification.

bs23 Bihar Staff Selection Commission 2024: All Updates on Exam and More

How can I get my online BSSC Inter Level Admit Card?

The BSSC Inter Level Admit Card 2023 can be downloaded using an easy, step-by-step procedure. Here’s how to go about it:
1.Visit to access the official website of the Bihar Staff Selection Commission.
2.On the page, look for the link for the BSSC Inter Level Admit Card 2023.
3.After that, click the link after entering your password and registration number.
4.Once your information has been entered, click “Submit” or “Login.”
5.It should show your admit card on the screen.
6.Verify the accuracy of all the information on the admit card.
7.Download the computer version of the admission card.
8.You need to bring the admit card with you to the testing location, so print it out.

The Bihar Staff Selection Commission is another name for BSSC. The CGL and Inter Level exams are administered by the regulating authority in order to fill various government positions in Bihar. Candidates can be chosen for a variety of departments, including development, planning and labor, finance, transportation, and others, through this exam.

The Bihar Staff Selection Commission (BSSC) holds it each year in an effort to find qualified applicants for various open positions. Positions like Junior Draftsman, Assistant LDC, Enforcement Officer, Secretary, Stenographer, Forest Guard, and a few more may be recruiting.

The online application form submission period will run from September 27, 2023, to December 11, 2023.

To supervise the selection procedure for government positions in Bihar’s subordinate offices, the Bihar Staff Selection Commission, or BSSC, was established. In order to establish the institution, the Bihar government passed the BSSC Act in 2002.
Commission for Staff Selection in Bihar, the supervising body

The BSSC will release an official notification listing all of the positions and relevant openings. The qualifying requirements (age limit, level of education, nationality), application process, necessary paperwork, application costs, and other details will also be covered. Candidates can check the official notification and apply for the recruiting procedure after the process has begun.

Exam dates for BSSC 2023–2024

The official website will list all of the crucial dates for the BSSC Exam 2023–24. Candidates can obtain information about the exam date, result date, registration period, and admit card distribution from the official website. The table below lists the anticipated key dates for the
Notification of BSSC Inter Level 2023–24, September 19, 2023
Date of Online Registration Opens: September 27, 2023
Deadline to Register Online: December 9, 2023
December 9, 2023, is the deadline for submitting the application fee.
Release of the BSSC Admit Card to be Notified
Date of Bihar SSC Exam to be announced

BSSC Qualification Standards

The notice contained the eligibility requirements provided by the Bihar Staff Selection Commission (BSSC). The minimal requirements that an applicant must fulfill in order to finish the online application are the eligibility rules set forth by the commission. The BSSC qualifying requirements include age restrictions, age relaxation, and educational requirements. Candidates need to make sure they meet the qualifying conditions before applying for the exam.

Age Limit for BSSC

All positions have an age minimum of eighteen years. The maximum age limit for level 1 positions is 23 years old, and the maximum age limit for other posts is 37 years old for general applicants. Candidates need to make sure they are within the commission’s age limit for the role.

Gender Age minimum/age maximum
Man, 18 37
Women 18–40
The commission grants age relaxations to specific candidates who fall under the reserved category. Below is a list of the age reductions for each category.
Category: Leisure Time
SC/ST five years
OBC for three years
PWD for five years

Qualifications for Education

The BSSC offers two different kinds of tests. The Inter Level Exam is the first, and the CGL Exam is the second. Because of this, there are differences in the educational requirements for these two BSSC Exams. The council has specified the necessary credentials, which are listed below.

Inter-Level Exam for BSSC

The Bihar Inter Level Exam 2024 is open to candidates who have passed the intermediate level exam from an accredited board or university. In addition, applicants who have experience in stenography and shorthand typing will be given preference for jobs such as clerks and stenographers.

Exam for BSSC CGL

The Bihar CGL Exam 2024 is open to those who have finished their graduation from an accredited university or board with a bachelor’s degree.

Citizenship / Nationality
Applications for the positions filled by candidates selected through the BSSC Exam are open to all Indian citizens.

Crucial Components of the Inter-level Eligibility Standard
• It is imperative that Hindi candidates pay attention to the salient features of the BSSC qualifying requirements. Applicants who are male or female and who got married before they are legally married (18 for women and 21 for men) are ineligible to take the test.

• Applicants who have active criminal cases against them are not allowed to take the exam.
• The applicant needs to be psychologically prepared to take the test.
• The applicant needs to be physically fit for the position.
Application Form 2024 for BSSC

How Do I Register for the BSSC Exam?

See how to apply for the BSSC Exam for different job positions.
• Visit the official BSSC website.
• Select the link to the application for a specific position.
• Share your details and phone number.
• A message or email about your confirmation will be sent to you.
• The registration number will be given to you by the commission.
• Click the link, then enter your birthdate and registration number.
• You’ll be taken to the next page and,
• Provide accurate personal information when completing the application form.
• Upload your documents, being careful to include all of those that comply with the authority’s requirements.

The following files need to be uploaded to the BSSC application form:
Size of Documents: Maximum in KB
Signed 140 * 110 40
Image 110 * 140 40
Other crucial information to complete:
• The name of the candidate
• Name of mother
• Name of the father
• Status of minorities
• Paste
• Make a statement
• Country of origin
• The Aadhar number
• The examination facility
• Educational Background

Verify again all the information you entered on the screen. Fill out the form and pay using the method that best fits your situation. Make a copy of the physical copy and save it for future reference.

Application Fees for BSSC

For the CGL Exam as well as the Inter Level:
Fee for Application by Category
Bihar SC/ST applicants Rs. 75/-
OBC/general applicants from Bihar Rs. 300
Every Bihar candidate who is female, Rs. 200
Candidates from outside of Bihar, Rs. 300

Exam Admit Card for BSSC

A few days prior to the exam, the Bihar Staff Selection Commission (BSSC) will make the CGL and the BSSC 2024 Inter Level Admit Card available on the official website. There will be individual admit cards for each exam level. On the day of the exam, the candidate must carry the admission card with them.

Applicants must present a valid hardcopy admit card in order to be admitted to the testing room. It’s probable that during the interview process, the admission card may be needed. Here is all the information you need to know about the BSSC 2024 Admit Card that is provided on this website, including how to download it and what to do on exam day.

BSSC Admit Card Download Instructions

The following are the detailed instructions for downloading the BSSC 2024 Admit Card. Applicants can download their admission card for the BSSC exams by following the instructions listed below. It is advised that candidates obtain their BSSC Admit Card 2024 well in advance of the position in order to avoid last-minute access problems on the official website.

1.Initially, all applicants must visit the official website of the Bihar Staff Selection Commission.
2.The candidates must next select the notification section.
3.The candidates should next select the “BSSC CGL Exam” and “BSSC Inter Level Exam” links.
4.A new page will now show up on the screen. Candidates can submit their date of birth and roll number here.

5.Candidates can view their admission card after logging into the portal and inputting their details.

6.The admission card must be downloaded and printed by the candidates. When the exam is held, they must present this physical copy.

Details of the Admit Card

An essential piece of paper for the BSSC 2024, Inter Level, and CGL exams is the admit card.
Upon downloading the BSSC 2024 Admit Card, aspirants are required to verify all the information provided on it. The data listed below must be on an admission card.
• The name of the candidate
• Name of the father
• Name of mother
• The roll number
• Birthdate
• The examination facility
• Time and date of exam
• Classification
• Your thumbs-up or signature
Important guidelines.

Exam Pattern for BSSC 2024

The Bihar Staff Selection Commission (BSSC) administers the CGL test and the Inter Level test, and both have distinct exam formats. Both tests, however, consist of three primary sections. They are the personal interview, the major exam, and the preliminary exam.
Every applicant who submitted an application for the BSSC 2024 Inter-Level Exam must pass all three phases.

Those that make it through the preliminary round will progress to the main round. The next step is the personal interview if the candidate passed both of the previously mentioned phases (prelims and mains). As per your post, there will be several locations for the interview. Additionally, every candidate will have an interview conducted by those in charge.

Exam Inter-Level BSSC 2024

Initial Examination
• The BSSC 2024 Inter-Level preliminary exam will consist of a computer-based test, or CBT.
• A total of 150 questions must be attempted by candidates in this area. Each applicant will have 135 minutes in total to complete the entire paper.
Each question will be worth four points.
• Negative grades will be assigned. An additional mark will be subtracted from the total for each incorrect response.
For the preliminary exam shown in the table below, here is a brief exam pattern.
Subject Total Marks Number of Questions Length (minutes)
All-Awareness 50 200 45
Mathematics and General Science 50 200 45
Reasoning Logic and Mental Capacity 50 200 45
In total, 150 600 135
Principal Exam
The BSSC 2024 Inter Level Exam consists of two sections for the main exam. A language paper is one, and a generic paper is the other.
• There are 150 questions on the language paper and 100 questions on the general paper.
• Each question on the two objective-style papers will be worth four marks.
• Negative grades will be assigned. An additional mark will be subtracted from the total for each incorrect response.

For the primary exam listed in the table below, this is a brief exam format.
Paper Type Subject Total Marks Number of Questions Length (min)
Hindi 100, 400, and 135
All-Awareness 50 200 45
Mathematics and General Science 50 200 45
Reasoning Logic and Mental Capacity 50 200 45

CGL Exam for BSSC 2024

Initial Examination
• The BSSC 2024 CGL preliminary exam will be a computer-based test, or CBT.
• A total of 100 questions must be answered by candidates in this section.
• Each applicant will have two hours, or 120 minutes, to complete the entire paper.
Each question will be worth four points.
• Negative grades will be assigned. An additional mark will be subtracted from the total for each incorrect response.
For the preliminary exam shown in the table below, here is a brief exam pattern.
Subject Total Marks Number of Questions Length (minutes)
Math and General Science 50-200-60
Reasoning Logic and Mental Capacity 50–200–60
In total, 100, 400, and 120

Principal Exam

The main exam will be taken by candidates who make it through the preliminary exam. The BSSC 2024 CGL Exam consists of two sections for the main exam. A language paper is one, and a generic paper is the other.
• There are 150 questions in the general paper and 100 questions in the language paper.
• Each question on the two objective-style papers will be worth four marks.
• Negative grades will be assigned. An additional mark will be subtracted from the total for each incorrect response.
For the primary exam listed in the table below, this is a brief exam format.
Paper Type Subject Total Marks Number of Questions Length (min)
Hindi 100, 400, and 135
All-Awareness 50 200 45
Mathematics and General Science 50 200 45
Reasoning Logic and Mental Capacity 50 200 45

Interview Process

One advances to the interview phase after passing both the preliminary and major exams. Thus, your interview will be conducted by a panel consisting of three to five examiners, conductors, or authority figures. They will examine your character, demeanor, disposition, manner of speaking, mode of self-expression, level of education, and so forth.

Nonetheless, they will select the qualified and accountable individuals for the subsequent positions or positions. Moreover, any candidate who advances through all levels will have their documents verified following the interview portion.

The following documents are needed for the verification:
• The tenth certificate proving the candidate’s age,
• Two to three passport-sized pictures
• A certificate of paste (if needed)
• A sports certificate, if applicable
• Certificate of Character,
• 12th grade diploma with grade sheet

The 2024 BSSC Syllabus

The preliminary and main exam syllabuses for the BSSC 2024 Inter-Level are identical. There are variations in the format, length, and quality of questions. A comprehensive syllabus for both the preliminary and main tests of the BSSC Inter-Level Exam is provided here.

Indian state of Bihar and its surrounding countries Indian languages Cash
Public/International Honors Literature Sports
Current Events Historical Background of India and its neighboring countries
Reasonable Advancement Capital India and Adjacent Countries
Culture Bihar’s dedication to the national movement, the Indian Constitution, and state governance
Panchayati Raj Political Cycle and the Indian Independence Movement
Geology Five-year plans at an affordable scenario
Applied Science
Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and Geography

Problem with the Ages Bar, Graph, Pie Chart, HCF, and LCM
Time and Distance: Standard Time and Work Diagram
Interest Rate Area, Gain and Loss, Simple and Compound
Understanding, Reasoning Logically, and Mental Capacity
Coding and Decoding Syllogistic Reasoning in Series

Critical thinking strategies, Venn diagrams, and guest plans
Visual Memory Comprehension Arithmetical Reasoning
Balance Non-Verbal Series Questions with statements and conclusions
Arithmetical Number Series: Number Series

BSSC CGL Syllabus 2024

The following explains the BSSC 2024 preliminary test syllabus.
Preliminary Curriculum for General Education
International Reports: Significant Sports Organizations, Events, and Awards in India
Significant Meetings and Occasions News about the state of Bihar
International committees and recommendations; International leadership
International Honors Top Globally
National and Local Statutory and Constitutional Organizations
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Commission; Child Protection Commission; Election Commission of India

Food Preservation Commission Controller and Auditor General National Green Tribunal
Commission for the Underprivileged; Information Commission; Vigilance Commission
NITI Aayog Women’s Commission; Human Rights Commission
State Election Commission Union Public Service Commission

Principal Aspects, Occurrences, and Their Economic, Social, and Administrative Systems in Ancient and Medieval India Integration and Restructuring of India after Independence
The Indian National Movement for Freedom and the 19th and 20th Century Social and Religious Reform

Bihar’s role in the liberation movement’s major events and dynasties
Principal Dialects and Tribes Principal Arts and Sculpture
Notable authors and their works of literature Folk music, folk art, folk literature, and major festivals
Significant Tribal Figures Religious Sites and Attractions

Prelims General Science Syllabus

Fundamentals of Science Satellite and space technologies, significant Indian scientific research institutions and their accomplishments
Natural Disasters, Pollution, and Biodiversity in the Environment
Ecological Framework Human Anatomy
Food, Nutrition, and Nutrient Technology in Agricultural Products
Policy and Programs for Health Food Processing
Mathematics Prelims CGL Syllabus for BSSC
Ratio between Time and Work
Area of Gain and Loss
Interest, Simple and Compound, Time and Distance
Issues With Ages, etc.LCM & HCF
Pie Chart, Bar, Graphical Graph,
The BSSC CGL Prelims Reasoning Syllabus
Analytical thinking and logical reasoning Decision-making
Solving problems and interpersonal abilities, such as communicating
Mental faculties in general Basic Numeracy
Hindi-language BSSC CGL 2024 Mains Syllabus

General Awareness Syllabus for BSSC CGL Mains

India’s history, geography, constitution, and politics
Honors and Awards Natural Resources and Agriculture in India
Science and Technology: Key Books and Their Writers
Community Development, Sports Economic Affairs, and Five-Year Plans
Key Headquarters of the Independence Movement and their Establishment
The General Science syllabus for BSSC CGL Mains

Chemical Reactions in the Plant and Animal Kingdom: Acid, Bases, and Salts
Matter, Atoms & Molecules, Compound, Reproduction, Heredity, Evolution, Life Process, Cell, etc., Periodic Table
The Human Eye, Motion, Sound, Reflection, and Refraction: Significant Scientific Inventions and Discoveries
Utilizing key scientific concepts in the areas of gravity, electricity, energy, magnetic fields, etc.
The Mathematics Syllabus for BSSC CGL Mains
Ratio of Time and Labor

2024 BSSC Exam Results

As soon as the two exam phases are finished, the BSSC result will be made public. The Bihar Staff Selection Commission (BSSC) will release the results of the CGL and Inter-Level exams on its official website. The results will be released on various days.

The results of the preliminary and main exams will be given separately. Most significantly, there will be several cut-off points for the prelim and main exams based on category. Applicants may verify further details by visiting their official website.

How to verify the outcome?

• Initially, all applicants must visit the Bihar Staff Selection Committee’s website (BSSC).
• A link to the results of the Bihar SSC CGL and Inter-Level exams may be found here, under the notice board area.
• Applicants must click the URL they want to open in a new tab.
• applicants can view the qualified applicants’ results in a PDF format here.
• Each candidate must download it and use their roll number to do a separate search.
• As a result, the highlighted roll number is added to a shortlist.

2024 BSSC Exam Cutoffs

Following the conclusion of the preliminary and main exams, the cutoff marks for the BSSC Exam 2024 will be announced. There will be distinct thresholds for every classification. To be chosen for a face-to-face interview, an applicant must receive marks that are on par with or better than the minimum required by the category in which they fall.

The BSSC test 2024 has not yet been held this year. Therefore, at this time, the cutoff marks are not available.
Salary Structure for BSSC Exam 2024

1. Inter-Level Salary Structure for BSSC

There will be differences in the salary scale for the several BSSC Inter-Level roles. The official communication will include information about the new pay plan. Nonetheless, the table below provides an approximative compensation range based on the prior year’s pay structure.
Base Salary: INR 5200-20200
Pay Grade: Rs. 2400

2. Pay scale for BSSC CGL

The BSSC CGL salary structure is composed of various elements. These include Basic Pay, Housing Rent Allowance (HRA), Travel Allowance (TA), Dearness Allowance (DA), and so on. In addition to the salary range, the position a candidate is applying for is crucial. This is the BSSC CGL pay scale based on the pay grade for the prior year, which is shown in the table below.
Pay Grade Approx. Pay
Level Five: INR 29,200–41,500
Stage 6: Rs. 35,40,49,500
Rs. 44,90 – 73,600 is Level 7.

Tips for BSSC Exam 2024 Preparation

Candidates need to have studied diligently for at least two to three months prior to the BSSC Exam 2024 in order to succeed. A self-made schedule must be adhered to by the candidate during that time. Aside from that, candidates may find it helpful to occasionally reread the syllabus and work through prior year’s papers.

While preparing, candidates must also maintain a particular level of mental clarity. There are two phases to the written exam. A candidate needs to simultaneously prepare for both phases. To pass this test, a candidate needs to keep in mind these crucial points.

1. Understanding the format of the test

To have a basic understanding of the exam structure, candidates must first read the curriculum and exam pattern. A candidate needs to have a solid understanding of the curriculum and exam patterns in order to pass the BSSC 2024 Inter level test with ease. Before beginning their preparation, students must grasp the course material and format for the BSSC 2024 Inter level test.

2.Make occasional revisions

After a predetermined amount of time, the candidate must edit the supplied subjects. It will aid in their memorization of all the material and exam preparation. Typically, a candidate can study for the entire week and then review the finished syllabus at the conclusion of the week. It will raise a candidate’s odds of passing the BSSC 2024 test.

3. Completing practice test questions

It’s not the only way to succeed on the BSSC 2024 exam to study hard. In addition to rigorous preparation, candidates must practice as much as they can. Providing time-stamped mock examinations and solving practice questions can aid candidates in improving their test-taking strategies. It will make clear any areas in which a candidate is not prepared.

4. Pay close attention to the complete syllabus.

Completing the entire syllabus is the most effective approach to get ready for the BSSC 2024 exam. A common propensity among candidates is to skip over several sections of the syllabus. This is not the best method for getting ready. It’s impossible to predict which topic may prompt a question. In the worst situation, a candidate may choose not to answer any questions pertaining to the section they skipped. Therefore, it is usually preferable to prepare for any possible subject.

5. Put an end to wasting time.

Watching movies It’s acceptable to occasionally take a break from thinking by playing games or engaging in other activities. Recall that humans are not robots and that it is necessary to take breaks. Instead of using your brain for extended periods of time, study while taking breaks.

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