Shailesh Lodha is generally known as Taarak Mehta, is reportedly confirmed as a contender in the upcoming 17th season of Bigg Boss 17. The report of his confirmed participation was shared by an Instagram page christened Bigg Boss 17. However, neither the makers of the truth show nor the actor have confirmed this so far. Several lists of possible contestants of Bigg Boss 17 are already doing rounds on the internet, but the term Shailesh Lodha is an important one to look out for. On Day 10, Aishwarya, Neil, Khaanzadi, Soniya, Sana, and Sunny were nominated for the elimination.
Check out the pos:
Shailesh Lodha’s departure from TMKOC on Bigg Boss 17:
The actors, the titular character on the show since its inception in 2008, amused themselves. After 14 years, Shailesh left the show in 2022, and during an interview with Siddharth Kannan, he opened up and spoke about the reason for this decision. “Kuch toh majbooriyan rahi hongi, yun hi koi bewafa nahi hota” (There obligation be some reason; people are not unfaithful and starved of reason).”
“Indians are rather emotional, so we get attached to everything; there is no uncertainty about that. I am an emotional person. I am a sentimental fool. Attachment is natural. And if you do anything for 14 years, it willpower happen,” he added.
Shailesh recently lodged a grievance against the producers of TMKOC because of outstanding payments. Thankfully, the matter has been resolved through legal means. Regarding the TV show, a number of actors have departed from TMKOC in the past few years, such as Disha Vakani, Gurucharan Singh, Neha Mehta, and most recently Jennifer Mistry Bansiwal.
About Bigg Boss 17–
The upcoming season of the popular reality TV show Bigg Boss is anticipated to commence in September-October. Enthusiastic fans eagerly await the announcement of the participants for the next season. However, there have been numerous names circulating online as potential contestants, including Sachin Meena, Seema Haider, Munawar Faruqui, Jiya Shankar, Abhishek Malhan, and Sourav Joshi, as well as Anurag Dobhal, amongst others.
Lodha had previously emphasized that his battle against the creators was “not a matter of financial gain” but instead centered around reclaiming his self-respect.
After his triumph, Lodha appears to be complete to explore new avenues. While not yet officially confirmed, various gossips suggest he will be a prominent contestant on ‘Bigg Boss 17’. This season is rumored to take a unique theme of singles versus couples, with five single contributors and four real-life couples vying against each other.
Despite the buzz, there hasn’t been an official report from the show’s creators, and they’re keeping a tight lid on the minutiae to build anticipation.
Lodha’s legal dispute was mainly motivated by his aspiration to regain his sense of self-worth rather than solely pursuing monetary compensation. He disclosed his choice to refuse a provision of media abstinence imposed by the producer while he was working on ‘TMKOC.’
Latest Updates–
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- Anurag Dobhal will take Voluntarily leave from the show by paying a penalty of Rs. 2 Crore
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