Bhaiyya ji: Manoj Bajpayee Begins Filming and Producing – A New Journey. On Tuesday, acclaimed actor Manoj Bajpayee embarked on the filming journey of his new project titled ‘Bhaiyya ji,’ where he not only plays a lead role but also takes on the role of a producer. This film marks the second collaboration between the actor, director Apoorv Singh Karki, and producer Vinod Bhanushali, following their earlier project ‘Sirf Ek Bandaa Kaafi Hai,’ which had a digital release in May. According to the creators, ‘Bhaiyya ji’ delves into emotions such as the unwavering support for one’s family and the pursuit of justice for wrongs committed against loved ones.
The Upcoming Bhaiyya ji – Manoj Bajpayee Masterpiece
On the auspicious occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi, Manoj Bajpayee shared his excitement about his dual role as an actor and producer in ‘Bhaiyya ji.’ He marked the beginning of the film’s production by posting a picture on X (formerly Twitter), where he is seen wearing a tilak (a religious mark) alongside an image of Lord Ganesha, symbolizing the commencement of his project.
In his message, Manoj Bajpayee stated, “Today marks the first day of my film “BHAIYYA JI” as both an actor and producer at Aurega Studios ( @AuregaStudios). I’m working alongside @apoorvkarki88, @VikramKhakhar, #ShabanaRazaBajpayee.”
Furthermore, he expressed his gratitude to the production houses and financiers who are supporting him in this venture. He mentioned, “I will also be getting super strong support from @vinodbhanu& #KamleshBhanushali at @BSL_Films, as well as @iamsameksha and @OswalShaelat #SSOProductions.”
Manoj Bajpayee concluded his message by announcing the start of filming for ‘Bhaiyya Ji’ and humbly requested the audience for their blessings and support, saying, “Filming begins for #Bhaiyya Ji. Your blessings mean everything as we embark on this journey. Ganpati Bappa Morya.”
Manoj Bajpayee is currently involved in multiple projects, including ‘Despatch,’ which is in the post-production phase. He is also actively shooting for the third season of the acclaimed action-spy-thriller series ‘The Family Man’ and the upcoming series ‘Soup,’ which has completed filming and is now in the post-production stage.