Apple has unveiled the new Mac Studio, which is available in two CPU configurations. With the new M1 Ultra, Apple has opted to take its proprietary chips to the next level, with a 20-core CPU with 16 performance cores and 4 efficiency cores.
In addition, it includes a 48-core GPU that can be expanded to 64 cores. The M1 Ultra chip’s single and multi-core scoring performance beats Apple’s 28-core Intel Mac Pro, according to leaked benchmarks. Check out the table below for more information on the M1 Ultra’s performance versus the Intel processor.
Following the Peek Performance event, Geekbench posted the first benchmarks for Apple’s M1 Ultra processor, branded Mac 13,2. The benchmark result reveals that the M1 Max chip, which has been doubled in size, can outperform Apple’s highest-end Mac Pro, which is powered by an Intel processor.
The M1 Ultra chip, in particular, has a single-core score of 1793 and a multi-core score of 24055. The Intel Xeon W chip Mac Pro, on the other hand, has a single-core score of 1152 and a multi-core score of 19951.
According to the benchmarks, the M1 Ultra CPU in the new Mac Studio is 21 per cent quicker in multi-core and 56 per cent faster in single-core than the Intel Xeon W chip in the Mac Pro. The new M1 Ultra chip inside the Mac Studio is 60 per cent faster than the Intel Mac Pro’s 28-core CPU, according to Apple. This could indicate that the corporation is referring to single-core performance.
Furthermore, these findings are based on a single benchmark test with no suggested constraints. Users will be able to access the Mac Studio on March 18, so we’ll have a lot to look forward to before making any final decisions. Furthermore, we must observe the real-world comparison, which includes high-resolution video export and other features.
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