According to Hideki Kamiya, the story of Bayonetta 3 will be 100 times more entertaining if the previous two games have been played. While the story of Bayonetta 2 was written with the previous two games in mind to make the game’s world feel deeper.
The series creator stated on his official Twitter profile that the story of Bayonetta 3 was intentionally created so that it could be enjoyed even by those who had not played the first game, the story of the third entry in the series has been written with the previous two games in mind to make the game’s world feel deeper.
Hideki Kamiya has previously stated that Bayonetta 3 will be more fun if the previous two games have been played, while he has also stated that the game will be playable without prior experience with the series. Newcomers to action games will be able to fully enjoy the game, as it will include elements geared to individuals who are unfamiliar with this genre. The third instalment of the series will also include some new aspects and mechanics not seen before in the series.
We haven’t seen Bayonetta 3 in action in a long time. Last month, Nintendo stated that Platinum Games’ third instalment in the series will be released in 2022, so it won’t be long until we get another glimpse at the game.
Bayonetta 3 will be released for Nintendo Switch in 2022, with an exact date yet to be determined. We’ll keep you updated on the game as more information becomes available, so stay tuned for all the latest information.
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