Bawaal, a love story produced by Sajid Nadiadwala’s production company Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment in association with Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari and Nitesh Tiwari’s Earthsky Pictures, will have its global premiere on Prime Video, India’s most popular entertainment platform, the company announced today. Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor, who will be seen on screen together for the first time, star in the critically praised Nitesh Tiwari film Bawaal. Only Prime will host the movie’s world premiere.
In July, there will be a video in India and 200 other nations and territories. The newest Prime membership addition is Bawaal.
“Prime Video is absolutely delighted with the opportunity to take one of the country’s most renowned directors, Nitesh Tiwari’s Labour of Love Bawaal to audiences in more than 200 countries and territories with a worldwide launch,” said Manish Menghani, director of content licensing at Prime Video, India.