Facebook is undoubtedly the world’s biggest social media company. It owns the world’s most famous chat platform WhatsApp and the world’s biggest image and video sharing social platform. But now it seems that the company is putting its hands into music as well.
According to fresh sources, Facebook is releasing an app that will let users post and share videos of them rapping over beats, which are provided by the app.
The app is called Bars, and it lets you create 60-second rap videos. According to sources, users can then post the video to a TikTok-style feed, where people can watch it and mark it as “fire.”
Facebook also promises an auto-rhyme dictionary with the app, for those who mark themselves as “beginners” in the app’s sign-up. For those closer to the “Advanced” level, it provides a Freestyle mode, which gives you eight random words to work into a 16-bar off-the-cuff rap.
For the rap lovers, the app seems to be a good alternative over TikTok, as it promises to provide professionally made beats for you to rap over. Reports indicate that the App is being developed by Facebook’s New Product Experimentation group.
For now, the App is only in the beta state and available on iOS. For the Android version, it will still take a lot of time. When all said, the app has promised a whole lot of features and it seems that Facebook is quite positive for the Apps success. Let’s wait for the stable release of the App.