Asus has already confirmed the launch of its next-gen gaming phone dubbed as Asus ROG Phone 6. It will be official on July 5th at 5.20 pm IST in India as well as globally during the same day. The series could soon receive a new variant with this certification discovered. According to it, a MediaTek Dimensity 9000 Plus version of the ROG Phone 6 could make its way to the market. The device gets named ROG Phone 6D, with the “D” referring to Dimensity.
The gaming smartphone maker Asus will unveil the Asus ROG Phone 6 with better specs than its predecessors. The tipster even said the rear display will have a ROG Logo, 1/1.56” sensor, and 8K Ultra HD video recording.
Asus ROG Phone 6 Expected Specifications
The Asus ROG Phone 6 is expected to get a 6.78-inch FHD+ 165Hz OLED 10-bit HDR panel supplied by Samsung Display. The device runs on Android 12-powered ROG UI for the software.
Further in the report, it says that the Dimensity 9000+ uses Arm’s v9 CPU architecture and a 4nm fabrication process, hence, improving the CPU and GPU performance by 5% and 10%, respectively. The devices will likely have up to 18GB LPDDR5 RAM and 512GB UFS3.1 ROM.
ROG Phone 6 has a triple setup of 50 Megapixels, 13 Megapixels and 5 Megapixels, alongside a 6,000mAh battery with support for 65W fast wired charging. There’s 5G SA/NSA, Wi-Fi ax, Bluetooth v5.2, NFC, GPS, and Dual 4G VoLTE among others.
The phone might ship with a charger, USB cable and a protective case at least in China. It seems that the ROG Phone 6D series will debut in China in September. At present, there is no information on the other markets that will be receiving the ROG Phone 6D lineup.