Apple Watch Ultra 3 is expected in September 2024 alongside an iPhone 16 release year – will be relatively light on updates versus its predecessor, the Apple Watch Ultra 2. Apple Watch Ultra 2 debuted last year with pivotal features such as a display that is 50% brighter, a faster S9 chip, “Double Tap” gesture interaction capabilities and on-device Siri and increased storage. The latter sounds less likely with the present rumors of an Apple Watch Ultra 3 arriving next. Here’s what we know:
The Upcoming Apple Watch Ultra 3
Display Technology
These plans will now remain on the shelf until at least 2024, and unfortunately call for recently shelved microLED display enhancements to improved brightness, contrast performance and specified battery power efficiency. Since then, rumors have suggested that Apple will instead use new low-energy OLED panel technology to refine power efficiency for the always-on screen.
According to Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, the design of Apple Watch Ultra 3 is expected to be nearly identical to that original watch. Sourcing a completely new “Apple Watch X” with redesigned case and magnetic bands is likely to refer to another model currently set for 2024 or beyond.
New Features
Apple Watch Ultra 3 could include health tracking upgrades such as blood pressure check and sleep apnea detection are expected for the Apple Watch Ultra 3, aligning with rumored features of the Apple Watch Series 10 / X. These improvements would rely on existing sensors to assist machine learning- or software-based detections for highlighting metrics about users’ health.
Hardware Changes
Ming-Chi Kuo forecast the Apple Watch Ultra 3 will largely retain its current spec, with major new features such as blood pressure and sleep apnea detection supported via software improvements.
Unfortunately for users tired of the natural titanium finish, no new colors are rumored to debut beyond this latest color as outdated rumors do talk about a darker model. Given Apple’s track record, it seems likely that the company will add one or more colors with later high-end models in coming years.
watchOS 11
The Apple Watch Ultra 3 will run watchOS 11, featuring enhancements previewed at WWDC, including new widgets, enhanced Messages and workout features, a Vitals app for health metrics, a Translate app, Tap to Cash for Apple Pay, and additional workout types and customization options for Activity rings.
What are the key rumored features of the Apple Watch Ultra 3?
The Apple Watch Ultra 3 is rumored to include health tracking upgrades such as blood pressure monitoring and sleep apnea detection. It may also feature enhancements in display technology and run on watchOS 11.
Will the Apple Watch Ultra 3 have a redesigned appearance?
No significant redesign is expected for the Apple Watch Ultra 3, which is anticipated to retain a similar look to its predecessors, focusing instead on internal feature enhancements.