Apple may release a second-generation Apple Watch Ultra later this year, according to Apple expert Mark Gurman. Apple’s flagship wristwatch is expected to be launched with the iPhone 15 series and Apple Watch Series 9 models at its Fall event. It will replace the original Apple Watch Ultra, the company’s first “rugged” wristwatch, which was released last year.
This fresh revelation comes from Gurman via Bloomberg, who is notorious for sharing accurate Apple product information before it is made public. According to Gurman’s Discord channel, the Apple Watch Series 9 and Apple Watch Ultra 2nd Generation models would employ a “brand new” wearable CPU from the company.
Apple’s S8 SiP, which is now included in Series 8 models, is quite similar to the S6 chipset that was debuted with the Apple Watch Series 6 in 2020.
The new S9 chipset is believed to be manufactured on a more efficient 4 or 5 nanometer process rather than the current 7 nm technique, which should result in improved battery and performance.
While no further substantial hardware advancements are expected for the next generation wearable, a future Apple Watch Ultra model due out in 2025 would have a MicroLED display produced in-house, according to a recent source. In the same year, the company is scheduled to release new Vision series mixed-reality headsets with new capabilities such as Fitness+ integration and a more economical model.
Gurman also indicated that the new Mac models with the M3 Chipset will be available in the first half of 2024. The improved processor in the new iPad Pro and Air models may be the same. Other devices, such as the third generation AirPods Pro and smart home equipment, are in the early stages of development. He’d previously mentioned a cheaper version of Apple’s Vision Pro AR headset, which is allegedly in the works.
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