Apple is a mammoth among tech companies. So most of us would assume that it might be utilizing its own server farms to store its iCloud data. But it isn’t quite so! A new report reveals how Apple has partnered with Google to store as much as 8 million terabytes of data on Google’s servers.
According to details by MacRumors, Apple is nicknamed Bigfoot by Google Cloud staff members. This is in consideration with the California-based giant being a whale-sized client. Reports even suggest that Apple is Google’s biggest cloud-storage corporate client. Even bigger in its requirements than clients like Spotify. As of mid-May, Apple had reportedly shelled out approximately $300 million on Google cloud storage services this year alone.
The $300 million is a 50% increase from all of 2020. Apart from Google’s cloud storage, Apple also uses Amazon Web Services. All of this, along with its own servers, are used to iCloud user data.
Apple’s Measures to Keep Customer Data Secure
Apple doesn’t provide third-party cloud storage providers like Google and Amazon the keys to decrypt user data stored on their servers. This is in line with their well-known battle-cry on privacy and security.
With the ever so increasing customer data being uploaded on iCloud, Apple has seen a dramatic increase in its storage requirements. Apple’s humongous fund spree to get storage on Google’s servers shows how Apple is failing to keep up with the exponential rise of iCloud data. Setting up sophisticated server farms isn’t easy. It needs land, resources, and time. A lot of it. Apple will surely have plans to set up huge server farms, but it would certainly take months. Because of this, Apple is likely to rely on Google’s services for a while.