Apple releases a Mobility Data trend tool a few days back. The stats will help the Government and health authorities so that they can take proper steps to prevent COVID-19 infection spread.
The source of raw data is Apple Maps. This report shows the changes in the density of people driving, walking or availing public transports at their localities.
Apple assured they didn’t keep anyone’s location history and Apple Maps is not associated with the user’s Apple ID. The company only counts the number of requests for a destination in major cities and 63 countries or regions. And that is utilized to build the report.
The Mobility Data report will update daily and anyone can download the complete data-set in CSV file format.
Rather than publishing the Mobility report, Apple also provided additional efforts. They donated over 20 million face mast to the front line warriors i.e. doctors, healthcare staff, etc. They supplied 1 million masks per week to the neediest areas around the globe.
For the policemen, cleaning staff and other people, Apple helped Stanford Medicine to build an app for self-screening, and schedule testing appointments if needed. They also update Siri and Apple Maps to provide useful links and information from authenticated sources.
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