We have been waiting for this Apple VR Headset for a long time now, and finally, Apple has unveiled the Apple Vision Pro, an augmented reality headset that seamlessly merges the real world with digital elements. Apple CEO Tim Cook described it as the first Apple product you look through, rather than at, and likened its appearance to a pair of ski goggles. Priced at $3,499, the device will be available early next year, initially launching in the US with plans for expansion to other countries later.
Apple’s first VR Headset Vision Pro has a price to pay – A whopping $3499
Positioned primarily as an AR device, the Vision Pro can transition between augmented and full virtual reality modes using a dial. Notably, it is designed to be controller-free, allowing users to navigate through rows of app icons simply by looking at them. Selections can be made through tapping and scrolling by flicking, while voice commands are also supported.
Additionally, the headset is compatible with Bluetooth accessories such as the Magic Keyboard and Magic Trackpad, and users can connect their Mac to utilize it within the headset. With downward-facing cameras, the device can track users’ hand movements even when they are resting low on their bodies.
The Vision Pro features a glass front and an aluminium frame, housing five sensors, 12 cameras, a display, and a fan-cooled computer. Its mask and strap are cloth-lined and modular, designed to flexibly fit various face shapes and head sizes. The ribbed headband wraps around the back of the head and offers interchangeable sizes and styles.
For users who wear glasses, Zeiss has created custom optical inserts that magnetically attach to the lenses. The headset is equipped with an external battery that lasts up to two hours and can be connected via a supple woven cable for convenient portability. Apple boasts an unprecedentedly sharp display capable of delivering 4K video.
Under the hood, the Vision Pro is powered by the M2 chip and introduces a new chip called the R1.
Apple assures users that they will not be isolated from their surroundings. The headset incorporates EyeSight, a system that displays the user’s eyes. In full VR mode, a glowing screen obscures the eyes to indicate unavailability. The device also generates a hyperrealistic digital persona by scanning the user’s face. Through passthrough video, the user can view the real world in full color while projecting 3D objects into the physical space, including extracting objects from a message thread into the real environment.
Spatial audio enables immersive remote interactions, allowing users to arrange FaceTime participants as video tiles around the room. Additionally, users can capture and relive 180-degree video using a 3D camera while wearing the headset. Apple highlights the availability of TV and Arcade content on the device, including premium offerings from Disney.
The development of the Vision Pro has spanned several years and reportedly undergone multiple iterations, experiencing significant delays along the way. Intended to be Tim Cook’s signature addition to Apple’s product lineup, the headset has received praise from industry insiders despite entering a market that has yet to gain significant traction.
Its primary competitor is expected to be Meta, known for its successful games-focused Quest 2 headset and the more mixed reception of its general-purpose Quest Pro.