Apple will launch its iPhone 13 series in the month of September next year. What we have seen in the time of the iPhone 12 series, people who are buying any model of the iPhone 12 need to buy different accessories like the adapter or earphones separately. Keeping this in mind, renowned Apple analyst Ming Chi-Kuo has predicted in his latest research report that due to the separate retailing of the iPhone 13’s battery components, Apple’s revenue is expected to rise up to 100% year-on-year in 2021.
Another report says that Apple is going to launch the Airpods 3 and mini LED iPad in the first half of 2021. Earlier, we have heard that Apple will launch another of its iPhone SE in the same first quarter of 2021. So, we can definitely assume that how much revenue will arise for Apple throughout the next financial year.
As of now, we are getting a bit of news regarding the battery of the upcoming iPhone 13 and it is said that iPhone 13 will use a fully soft board technology whereas its predecessor iPhone 12’s batteries are using a combination of soft and hardboard technology. In terms of the advantage of soft board batteries, it helps to save the internal storage, and production cost is lesser as well.
Let’s talk a little about the upcoming AirPods 3. It is expected to feature a similar type of design with the current AirPods Pro. These AirPods and its charging cases are also in that list of using soft board technology. Similarly, in terms of the mini LED iPads, the company will provide acoustic and optical component soft boards. We have to wait till the first half of 2021 to grab those amazing gadgets from Apple.