Apple has begun assembling the iPhone 13 Series in India. The production of the devices has begun in the Foxconn factory in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. The mass production of the latest iPhones comes after the tech giant had begun trial production for the iPhone 13 in December 2021.
At that time, it was assumed that the volume production for the model will begin by February 2022. Although this was postponed to April, it is a ray of hope for Apple customers in India since local production would lead to a drop in the pricing of the iPhone.
When the brand first began manufacturing the iPhone 12 locally in India, the model saw a fall in the price of 14,000 INR or $185. If you are in the dark, India charges tech companies custom duties for consumer electronic products that are usually assembled overseas and shipped to India.
Apple products cost more in India in comparison to other markets. The iPhone 13 will also witness a slash in price soon once the brand begins full-fledged assembly of units in the Indian market.
The iPhone 13 joins other products from the company that is being assembled within the country. For now, the iPhone 11, 12, and 13 are being assembled domestically. This marks a major shift in production away from China, which is usually the go-to hub for production. Apple has begun to reduce its dependence on China lately, so this move comes in accordance with the ongoing efforts of the brand.
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