Apple iPhone 12 series has already launched globally a couple of days ago. But the main disappointment for the fans of iPhones is Apple is not providing any earphone or any power adaptor with the iPhone 12 series. As per some recent reports, Brazilian telecom regulator Anatel has revealed the battery capacities of the iPhone 12 mini and iPhone 12. Another news is in the market that iPhone 12 Pro will also be produced at Foxconn’s facilities in Brazil and India – besides China.
It is not only for the first time an iPhone will be manufactured in India. Apart from iPhone 12, the iPhone SE (2020) has also been listed for manufacture in India. If the iPhone 12 Pro will be made in those countries, then the buyers can get them in a lower price which is a great step as there will be no issue of import-export at that time. So, price will be definitely lesser.
Apart from it, another news has just peeped out on the internet which is the battery capacities. As per the report, the iPhone 12 mini has a battery capacity of 2,227mAH. In comparison with the iPhone SE (2020), the battery of the iPhone 12 mini is quite bigger. The iPhone SE (2020) has a battery capacity of 1,821mAH.
On the other hand, iPhone 12 is fueled up by a 2,815mAH battery. But unfortunately, it is lesser than the battery capacity of the iPhone 11 that is 3,110mAH.
The thing is Apple doesn’t reveal the battery capacity of any of its iPhones. The battery capacity of Apple iPhones is comparatively way smaller than the recent android smartphones. But that is what it is. As per Apple, the iPhone 12 min can produce 15 hours of video playback on a single charge, which is a couple of hours less than the 17 hours of video playback claimed for iPhone 11. The iPhone 12 Pro and the iPhone 12 Pro Max battery capacity is still unknown. Although Apple has claimed that the iPhone 12 and the iPhone 12 Pro will produce the same 17 hours of video playback time.