According to the latest sources, a lawsuit has been filed on Saturday in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York. The lawsuit case sues the tech giant Apple in an attempted class-action lawsuit. The complaint states that Apple has overstated its iPhones’ water-resistant capabilities, mentioning that IP rating is ‘insufficiently qualified by fine print disclaimers.’
Apple claims its iPhones to be water-resistant; however, there is still a chance that the handset might get damaged if any liquid seeps inside it. However, such an incident is not covered under apple’s flawless warranty.
Sources indicate that to prove and acquire the water-resistance certification, Apple conducts tests using static or pure water, not pool or seawater. This can mean that if an iPhone were accidentally dropped in a pool or the sea, it would not receive any warranty coverage if the device started behaving erratically or stopped functioning altogether.
Apple knows that it’s sea or pool water because the insides of iPhones feature a small indicator, which turns red if that indicator comes in contact with water. It can easily be identified by Apple’s personnel when the owner takes it in for warranty coverage.
According to the lawsuit, Apple has many times suggested its users wash areas of the iPhone that have been in contact with different liquids such as coffee or juice. However, the lawsuit says that Apple could be using this method to deny customers warranty coverage, as rinsing an iPhone could also lead to water entering the innards.
The complaint claims that Apple should consider proper its marketing and pay for the damages, the attorneys and experts, along with any other relief granted by the court. But truth be told, a smartphone is not meant to be taken near water bodies, and users should always be careful about how they manage their phones when they go for a swim. It’s not just apple, but none of the smartphone manufacturers upholds the warranty if the device is damaged by water.
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