Apple is expected to announce the next-generation iPhone 13 series on September 14. The new series is reportedly powered by an A15 Bionic chip built on a 5nm+ process which will deliver much faster performance and improved battery life than the already fast and power-efficient A14 Bionic chip used in iPhone 12.
A new GPU benchmark test of the alleged chip from the July batch reveals that indeed the next-generation iPhone 13 processor is much faster than the A14 Bionic and Android silicon, even when it throttles.
According to a tweet from a leaker known as “FrontTron,” benchmark tests were performed on a sample of the A15 Bionic chip acquired from a July batch. The results were discussed in a Korean forum called Clien.
A Manhattan 3.1 GPU benchmark test reportedly shows Apple’s A15 chip hitting 198 FPS during the first round of testing. However, the second round isn’t as impressive, with a score of about 140 FPS to 150 FPS. The benchmark results show how the A15 GPU performed after two rounds of testing. The scores show that the A15 needs to throttle its speed after a time, but even when considering the speed drop, it outperforms competitors by a considerable margin.
Peak efficiency of the iPhone 12 averages 170.7 FPS within the Manhattan 3.1 benchmark. FrontTron says throttling will not be a problem because it “far exceeds” the height efficiency of the A14, though the numbers appear to contradict that declare.
Moreover, no matter the drop in performance because of throttling, its miles are nevertheless capable of outperforming its android counterparts using a sizeable margin. As of proper now, there is no way of confirming this information so take it with a pinch of salt and live tuned, as the Cupertino primarily based largely anticipated to launch this chip with the iPhone 13 later this month.
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