Yes, finally your favourite Battle Royal game, Apex Legends is coming to mobile and in a grand way possible, if you are already pre-registered for the game for Android or iOS expect soon to get into some action from your smartphone itself.
Apex Legends Mobile, an all-new Apex Legends experience built from the ground up for mobile platforms, is set to launch on May 17th for both iOS and Android devices worldwide.
Apex Legends Mobile launching on May 17th
As we all know the intensity of this game, the characters, and the abilities do make the game special, now after years, EA has finally decided to bring it into mobile to lure more and more gamers. However, optimizing any game for mobile is a difficult task, so it will be interesting to see how EA does it for its players.
The mobile Battle Royal market is huge, currently dominated by the likes of Call of Duty Mobile and PUBG Mobile, so, Apex Legends Mobile could become the next big thing!
Apex Legends Mobile is a standalone experience based on the core gameplay that millions of players know and love, offering exciting new game modes, social systems, and features to play on the go. The game was built with competitive, mobile-focused players in mind and features myriad mobile-focused features and innovations.
Today’s launch date news comes with a brand new, cinematic trailer hinting at some of what The Syndicate has in store for the Legends in Apex Legends Mobile. It can be found here:
As a reminder, there is still time for players to pre-register and help the community unlock rewards set to go live at launch next week. Players can do so at the following links:
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